Free-flight and narrated bird of prey show

The Free-Flight Bird Show Returns!

Our birds will take to the skies once again from Saturday, March 30, 2024, to Sunday, November 3, 2024, following this schedule:

 Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 5:00 PM (outside school holidays)

 Every day at 5:00 PM during Zone A school holidays, summer holidays, and All Saints’ holidays

This narrated demonstration will captivate audiences of all ages with the breathtaking skills of birds of prey and other avian performers in full flight.

From majestic acrobats to mischievous tricksters, these masters of the skies showcase their natural talents:

 The speed and agility of the Harris’s hawk

 The power of the griffon vulture

 The hypnotic gaze of nocturnal raptors

To close the show in spectacular fashion, a surprise finale features ibises, storks, and tumbling pigeons in a dazzling aerial display!

Throughout the performance, our passionate falconers will share fascinating insights about these birds, their behaviors, and the importance of their conservation.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The show may be adjusted in case of light rain, extreme heat, or strong mistral winds. It may be canceled in the event of heavy rain or severe storms.